National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

Qualifications and requirements for members to join NRHH:

  1. Must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0.
  2. Must have experienced living in a residence hall for a minimum of one semester. 
  3. Must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university.

The application process for NRHH occurs at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters.  Email [email protected] for further details regarding how to acquire an application and the application process.

Apply Now!

  • January 22 – February 5: Applications Open
  • February 12: New Diamonds Notified
  • February 20: Induction Ceremony

We are a group of dedicated residential student leaders that strive to make a difference on the campus of UNCG and the Greensboro community. We are an organization that promotes advocacy, programming, recognition, academic excellence and service through our efforts.

If you have any questions or want to contact us on collaboration or volunteering ideas please email the chapter at [email protected].

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is a service of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Inc. (NACURH). It is designed to give local, regional, and national recognition to students making outstanding contributions to their residence halls.

Realizing the value of participation, students have contributed vast amounts of their personal time in an effort to make their own college experiences more meaningful to them. This effort not only benefits them but their entire residence hall system.

NRHH exists to honor these students. These people work hard and all too often go unnoticed without even so much as a thank you. That is the fundamental purpose of an NRHH Chapter. NRHH is the only nationwide organization that recognizes residence hall leaders. Membership in local chapters is limited to one percent of your school’s residence hall population, or 15 members, whichever is larger. As you can see, it is very select group of leaders. Thus being selected into the membership is an honor in which one can take a great amount of pride.

What is NRHH?

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the premiere honorary supported by the leading international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing. It ensures the advancement of member chapters through resource sharing, programming, and leadership development opportunities to contribute and support the vision of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated (NACURH).

60 years of NACURH

Core Values


No matter how small a task may seem, everybody likes to be recognized for their contributions. Recognition helps develops a culture of care on campus. It also shows people that their contributions are truly valued. From OTMs, Door Decorations, Smart Cookies, to one of our many appreciation days including Adopt-A-Cop, CRL/ACRL, Resident, Counseling, Maintenance and House Keeping Appreciation Day, NRHH loves to recognize others!


Giving back through service is a what NRHH is all about. NRHH regularly collects items to give back to the Greensboro community. NRHH also loves to give back to the community by volunteering our time, hard work, and positive attitudes.

History of Kappa Gamma Mu

The chapter of NRHH at UNCG had been present for quite some time, but it was not until 2008 that the name Kappa Gamma Mu was selected. During the 2008-2009 academic year, a major rebuilding year for our chapter, the students who were in our chapter wanted it to be prominent around campus and within the state and region. They also wanted it to be a Greek letter organization but not to spell out RHA as some of our sister chapters have done. These members brainstormed and came up with the first letters of the ladies who were on the executive board at the time…which is what you see today…the initials of the ladies who got the organization back up and running and who were also a part of the initial conception of the organization. Today our chapter strives to be active within the UNCG and Greensboro communities. It is through service, leadership, scholarship, and recognition that our members make a difference on their community.

NRHH Colors are Blue and White

  • Blue symbolizes loyalty: loyalty to purpose.
  • White signifies a blank page: a page on which a student writes the successes and experiences that fill their days in the residence halls.

The Symbol of NRHH

The symbol for NRHH is a diamond surrounding the letters of the organization, and the three interconnected links, the chain of leadership.

  • The diamond, the world’s most precious gem, signifies the value and beauty one finds in their residence hall experience.
  • The first chain of the link represents caring. Leaders are people who are. They are concerned about themselves and others and are committed to making things better.
  • The second link signifies dedication. Part of the leader’s commitment is the dedication to ideals and causes, which they display to others. Dedication is an important part of the involvement required to be a truly effective leader.
  • The third link represents participation. True leaders participate fully in their academic pursuits, friendships, activities, and lives. Leaders do not sit on the sidelines, but are complete team players.

Together, the unbroken chain symbolizes the never-ending leadership of NACURH and membership to NRHH.

nrhh uncg logo

Write an OTM


“An “Of The Month” or OTM is a great way to recognize someone for a job well done! Any person can submit them and campus winners will be determined each month by the NRHH recognition committee. Any school affiliated with NACURH is eligible to make or receive an “Of the Month” nomination and/or award.


  1. Make sure your nomination is month specific.  It is essential that you keep the nomination framed in the month that it occurred. For example if you are writing an OTM in the month of April you should not include information from March.
  2. Write as if the reader does not attend UNCG. If  an amazing event occurred at the EUC write out Elliot University Center and describe what it is. We may know what EUC is, but as OTMs move up to the state, regional, and national level other people will not know what the EUC is.
  3. Make sure your OTM is polished. Grammar, spelling, punctuation qre important in OTMs. No matter how amazing a nomination may be, if there are a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes it may not be selected, so make sure you proofread your OTM! You may even want to consider writing it on a word document and then copy and paste it onto the OTM form.
  4. Make the OTM creative yet concise.Make sure your OTM encompasses all the details you want it to but add some flare. Quotes from a famous person or another executive member, yes add it make it unique as possible.
  5. Stay within the word limit, this can be something that easily and quickly disqualifies an OTM no matter how great it may be.
  6. Make sure your OTM is in the right category. For example if you are writing about a student who happens to be a junior make sure you choose the student category and not the first year student category. Categories can be found below.


  • Educational Program
  • Advisor
  • Residence Life Faculty/Staff
  • Social Program
  • Spotlight
  • Institution Faculty/Staff
  • Student
  • First Year Student
  • Organization
  • Diversity Program
  • Residential Community
  • Resident Assistant
  • Passive Program
  • Community Service Program
  • Executive Board Member

Recognition Days

Cashier / Registrar’s Office Appreciation Day: July 28th 

New Student Transition / Undergraduate Admissions Appreciation Day: September 1st

Housekeeping Appreciation Day: September 4th-8th 

Dining and Postal Services Appreciation Day: September 25th 

Boss’s Day: October 16th 

Dean of Student’s & Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities Appreciation Day: October 20th 

RA Appreciation Day: February 21st

CRL Appreciation Day: March 22nd 

ACRL Appreciation Day: April 8th 

National Student Employment Week: April 9th-15th 

Counseling Center Appreciation Day:April 12th 

Admin / Secretary Appreciation Day (Main Office/ADLT): April 24th

Desk Assistant Appreciation Day: April 24th

Facilities & Maintenance Appreciation Day: Week of May 10 

Service Information and Dates


  • 3 In-Hours: Volunteering at NRHH Events
  • 2 Out-Hours: Volunteering at campus or community events

Send all completed service hours to [email protected]

Service Dates

Check back soon!


  1. NRHH OTM Website
  2. SAACURH (Regional)OTMs
  3. NACURH (National) NRHH Website

National Residence Hall Honorary

UNCG Chapter Constitution

University of North Carolina at Greensboro


We, the members of the Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary, in order to honor and recognize outstanding members of the residence hall system, and to promote a higher quality and standard of involvement and interaction in the residence hall community do hereby establish and uphold this constitution.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG).

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to provide recognition for those students living in the residence halls who have shown outstanding leadership and service to their UNCG community. The organization exists with the specific objectives of coordinating the “Of the Month” (OTM) awards on a monthly basis, developing new forms of recognition for student leaders and other campus partners, actively serving the UNCG and Greensboro communities, promoting academic excellence, maintaining a collaborative relationship and communication with the Residence Hall Association, and supporting the UNCG Office of Housing and Residence Life.  NRHH will also encourage and provide personal development and leadership growth in residents.

Article III: NRHH Values

NRHH is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service.

Article IV: Membership 

Section 1: Candidate Membership 

The student shall have lived in one of the residence halls for at least one semester before being nominated. The student must have made outstanding contributions or provided exceptional leadership and aided in the advancement of UNCG Residence Life. The student must be in good standing with the university and maintain a 3.0 or greater grade point average.

  1. A Candidate Member seeking induction must be a student of the college or university with which the chapter is affiliated. 
  2. “Student” shall be defined by the chapter’s host institution
  3. The Candidate Member is a pre-membership status in which the student has been nominated or shown interest to become an NRHH Member. 
  4. The Chapter must educate the candidate on the following topics before the candidate can be inducted:
    1. NRHH History 
    2. OTM’s
    3. Membership Qualifications 
    4. Membership Selection Process 
    5. Any other additional requirements as deemed necessary by the chapter
  5. Before a Candidate Member can be inducted, they must meet the following requirements:
    1. Students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional degrees are all eligible for induction. 
    2. At the time of induction, the Inductee must be a student possessing at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. 
    3. Candidate member must be living in institutionally owned or contracted housing and has lived in institutionally owned or contracted housing for at least one academic term, as defined by the affiliated institution, upon induction. 
    4. Candidate Member must have made a positive contribution to the residence hall system through engagement with the values of service and recognition. 
  6. Once a candidate member has met all NACURH and chapter requirements, they will be eligible for induction.
  7. See Article VII: Selection of Members for information on induction process and member selection

Section 2: Active Membership

Active members shall be defined as those who are enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and living in a residence hall and are in good conduct standing with the University, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and are actively involved in Residential Student Leadership. 

  1. The On-Campus Member must be a student of the college or university with which the chapter is affiliated.
  2. “Student” shall be defined by the chapter’s host institution
  3. On-Campus Member must be living in institutionally owned or contracted housing.
  4. The On-Campus member must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  5. Members shall not miss more than three meetings per semester. If a member must miss a meeting they must notify a member of the executive board at least 24 hours in advance for approval. Once a member has missed three meetings without proper approval, then the member must have a meeting with the executive board to explain why they should remain an active member.
  6. Members must continue to make a positive contribution to the residence hall system through engagement with the values of service and recognition
  7. Members must submit at least 1 OTM per month
  8. Members must participate in at least one committee each semester
  9. Members must complete seven (7) hours of service per semester total
    1. At least four (4) of these hours must be completed through NRHH chapter service projects
    2. Three (3) hours can be completed through service outside of NRHH opportunities
  10. Any other additional requirements as deemed necessary by the chapter

Section 3: Off-Campus Membership

An Off-Campus member of an NRHH Chapter is a member that does not live in institutionally owned or contracted housing and meets the chapter and NACURH membership qualifications. Off-Campus Members must also be in good conduct standing with the University, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and are actively involved in Residential Student Leadership. 

  1. The Off-Campus Member must be a student of the college or university with which the chapter is affiliated.
  2.  “Student” shall be defined by the chapter’s host institution. 
  3. The Off-Campus member must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. 
  4. Members shall not miss more than three meetings per semester. If a member must miss a meeting they must notify a member of the executive board at least 24 hours in advance for approval. Once a member has missed three meetings without proper approval, then the member must have a meeting with the executive board to explain why they should remain an active member.
  5. Off-Campus Member continues to make a positive contribution to their community through engagement with the values of service and recognition. 
  6. At the discretion of the chapter, up to 15% of the chapter’s membership cap may have the same voting rights and ability to serve on campus-level executive boards as an on-campus member. 
  7. An Off-Campus Member with voting rights does count towards the membership cap, but an Off-Campus member that participates with no voting rights do not count towards the membership cap.
  8. An Off-Campus member must submit a NACURH written pledge for accountability approved by the chapter president and advisor.
    1. The completed off-campus membership pledge shall be submitted to the Regional AD-NRHH for approval.  It is the right of the Regional AD-NRHH to deny requests.  If the member and/or chapter wish to appeal the decision of the Regional AD-NRHH, they may appeal to the entire AD-NRHH board. 
  9. Any other additional requirements as deemed necessary by the chapter

Section 4: Life Long Member

A Lifelong Member is a member of NRHH that is no longer affiliated with their host institution as a student due to either graduation or a discontinuation of education. They consist of NRHH members, both On and Off-Campus, who encouraged the growth and development of their overall chapter. They participated in chapter meetings, events, and programs, while displaying the two values of recognition and service. The chapter has autonomy over which members have achieved the lifelong membership status and which members have not. 

  1. Anyone who leaves the chapter and institution in institutional good standing and meets the chapter’s requirements for membership for life would become a Lifelong Member.
  2. By becoming a Lifelong Member, a member would have to uphold the life long commitment to the NRHH Values of recognition and service.
  3. Lifelong Members are eligible to participate in chapter-specific and NACURH activities at the discretion of NACURH Leadership and their chapter, respectively.
  4. Exceptions excludes temporary leaves such as, but not limited to, co-ops, internships, or study abroad. 

Article V: Member Removal Policy

  1. The Removal Policy may be enacted if a current member can no longer meet the chapter membership expectations.
  2. If a current member is removed, they no longer count towards the 1% membership cap. 
  3. The following guidelines apply to the procedure for the removal of a current member:
    1. Must have a hearing with the NRHH President and the NRHH Advisor to address reasons for removal and to allow the member to explain their reasoning
    2. The decision of removal will be made by the NRHH President and the NRHH Advisor
    3. The member and/or chapter must then complete the NRHH Member Removal Application. 
    4. This form can be obtained from the region’s AD-NRHH.The form must include the electronic signatures of the chapter President and chapter Advisor.
    5. This form must be submitted electronically. 
    6. The completed Member Removal application shall be submitted to the region’s AD-NRHH for approval.
  4. The amount of members for removal is up to the discretion of the chapter. 
  5. It is the right of the region’s AD-NRHH to deny requests for removal for reasons including:
    1. Submission of an incomplete application form.
    2. The region’s AD-NRHH does not believe that sufficient measures have been taken by the chapter to address the member’s inactivity or ineligibility within the chapter prior to submission of the application.
  6. If the member and/or chapter wish to appeal the decision, they may appeal to the Regional AD-NRHH through written request as to why the Candidate deserves to continue as a member of NRHH.

Article VI: NRHH Membership Transfer Policy

  1. NRHH members that are transferring schools at any educational level, including incoming graduate students and incoming doctoral students, are able to apply to have their NRHH membership transferred from their outgoing institution to their incoming institution 
  2. Each NRHH chapter is able to accept/reject transfer members at their own discretion. If accepted, these members shall become active members of the new chapter. The Membership Transfer Policy must be outlined according to the following:
    1. The student applying to transfer their membership must be fully enrolled at the new institution. 
    2. The student seeking to transfer their membership must contact the chapter President and Advisor in writing detailing why they want to transfer their membership, how they benefited their previous chapter and residence hall system, and how they hope to be involved in the new chapter. 
    3. Each chapter is able to come up with their own process detailing how letters will be evaluated. 
  3. If approved, the student and/or new chapter’s Executive Board must complete the membership transfer application. 
  4. The membership transfer application may be obtained from the region’s AD-NRHH.
  5. The membership transfer application shall include signatures from the following individuals:
    1. The incoming chapter’s President. 
    2. The incoming chapter’s Advisor. 
    3. The NRHH member who is seeking to transfer their membership.
  6. The completed application shall be submitted to the region’s AD-NRHH for approval. 
  7. It is the right of the region’s AD-NRHH to deny requests for reasons including:
    1. The application form is incomplete.
    2. Adding new member(s) puts the chapter over its member cap. 
  8. If the member and/or chapter wish to appeal the decision of the region’s AD-NRHH, they may appeal to the entire NNB. The decision of the NNB shall be final. In the event of an appeal to the NNB:
    1. Each AD-NRHH shall have one vote. 
    2. A simple majority shall be necessary, with tie-breaking vote when necessary.

Article VII: Selection of Members

Nominee names will be presented twice a year by the end of the Fall and Spring semesters to the General Body. The General Body has the authority to determine whether a candidate requires an interview to be considered for acceptance. The General Body will process applicants and vote on the inductees. At no time shall the active membership of the Chapter exceed one (1) percent of the total residence hall population. The National Residence Hall Honorary shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, ancestry, gender, sex, age, religion, person with disability, sexual orientation, or social class in the selection of its members or in its programs. Once initiated into NRHH, membership is granted for life. Status of members however can change. 

Section 1: Nominee Selection

  1. At the end of the Fall and Spring semesters the General body will discuss and select the new members
  2. The NRHH President and the VP of Administration will compile candidate members information from their application forms to present to the General Body
  3. The general body will have 5 minutes to discuss each candidate and vote via secret ballot
  4. The President and the Advisor will compile the votes and present the new members selected

Section 2: Inductions

  1. Once new inductees are selected there will be an induction ceremony
  2. Each new member must state the NRHH Member Oath:
    1. I, state your name,
      pledge to uphold and strengthen
      the principles upon which
      The National Residence Hall Association  is based
      and to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to me
      to the best of my ability.
      I will lead with honesty, integrity and enthusiasm
      in accordance with
      the University Core Values and Code of Conduct 

Article VIII: Outstanding Service Award

  1. An Outstanding Service Award is designed to recognize those who have demonstrated outstanding support and service to the residence hall students. This may include, but is not limited to housing personnel, instructors, and college or university staff.
  2. Individuals who could qualify for membership including first term students, with the exception of those graduating in the current academic term, cannot be given an Outstanding Service Award.
  3. The maximum number of Outstanding Service Awards which may be given in a year is equal to the number of regional affiliates within NACURH.

Article IX: Membership Capacity

  1. The total active membership of a chapter may include up to, but not more than 1% of the total residence hall population that year, or 20 members, whichever is larger. The total 1% membership does not include lifelong members, or off-campus members without voting rights.

Article X: Executive Council Structure 

Section 1: Executive Council

Officers must be in good standing with the University and have been members of the organization for at least a semester. The newly elected officers shall take office at the first meeting of fall, opening a new school year. Officer elections should be held after the induction of new members in the Spring Semester. 

  1. The President shall
    1. be responsible for scheduling, running, and overseeing general body and executive council meetings
      1. Inform all members of meeting changes 
    2. act as the official spokesperson of the organization on campus and the liaison to the Residence Hall Association
    3. create special committees as necessary
    4. Fulfill all duties of vacant executive board positions
    5. coordinate with the NCC from RHA for conferences.
    6. maintain correspondence with the following:
      1. NCARH AD of Recognition
      3. NACURH Services & Recognition Office
    7. assist with yearly affiliation process
    8. act as a liaison between NRHH and other campus organizations 
    9. coordinate the voting for NRHH member of the year in coordination with the advisor
    10. perform all other tasks normally assigned to the position as President as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order
  2. Vice President of Administration shall
    1. record the minutes of the general body meetings and executive meetings, maintain paperwork for the organization, and act as historian
    2. maintain and update the executive council on the organization’s budget 
    3. promote and advertise the organization and sponsored events to the campus
    4. promote the organization and recruit new members at events such as Explore UNCG, and Destination UNCG, and Fall Kickoff
    5. Create all designs, logos and flyers related to NRHH 
    6. Distribute, post, and oversee advertisements on all social media platforms
  3. Vice President of Service shall
    1. oversee the NRHH service efforts within the residence halls
    2. oversee the Service committee
    3. maintain a database to keep track of the service requirements of members in conjunction with the VP of Membership
    4. collaborate with other organizations on service projects
    5. keep members updated about service opportunities at UNCG and Greensboro community
    6. plan and implement service projects for the chapter
  4. Vice President of Membership shall
    1. oversee the member selection process and induction ceremony of new and honorary members
    2. execute a Fall and Spring NRHH Induction Ceremony
    3. oversee a new member meeting within the two weeks after each induction ceremony in conjunction with the other NRHH Executives
    4. serve as a representative to the honorary and alumni members
    5. record the attendance of members at meetings and events
    6. track service hours in conjunction with the VP of Service
    7. track OTM completion by members in conjunction with the VP of OTMs
  5. Vice President of Recognition shall
    1. oversee the Recognition committee
    2. coordinate all recognition events including campus wide recognition weeks
    3. plan recognition programs for selected groups on campus whom have exhibited excellent leadership and service. 
    4. create any form of recognition necessary to show appreciation on campus 
    5. responsible for the recognition events of RA, RHA, Hall Council, and residential student appreciation and any additional appreciation events are at the discretion of the committee.
  6. Vice President of OTM shall
    1. oversee the OTM committee
    2. promote and advertise all OTMs submitted on the campus
    3. educate the campus about OTM nominations 
    4. deliver to and recognize all OTMs winners
    5. submit OTMs to the state (North Carolina Association of Residence Halls) and regional (South Atlantic Affiliation of College and University Residence Halls) offices by the 10th of each month for the previous month of recognition
    6. ensure that all Active Members have submitted at least one OTM per month in each academic semester to maintain membership,  in conjunction with the VP of Membership

Section 2: Committees

UNCG NRHH will yearly have 3 committees; Service, OTMs, and Recognition Committees. Each active member is required to be a member of one of the three committees each semester. The VP of Service, OTMs, and Recognition will head their respective committees with the help of the Advisor and the rest of the Executive Council. These committees should meet at least once a month, usually during General Body Meetings. 

Article XI: Executive involvement

Section 1: Elections

  1. Elections shall be held each spring at a regularly scheduled meeting before the selection of new members.
  2. Each candidate must declare intentions two weeks prior to elections by submitting a letter of intent to the President.  If the President wishes to run for an office, they must submit their letter of intent to the Advisor.
  3. The day of elections, each candidate will receive five minutes to present to the general body 
  4. A three-minute question and answer period will follow each candidate’s speech
  5. A silent ballot will then be filled out by each voting member
  6. Winners will receive the two-thirds majority of the votes cast in the election
  7. In the event of a tie, the president will break the tie by voting
  8. Each officer shall be elected to a one-year term

Section 2: Swearing into office

  1. Each Executive member elect will be sworn into office by the present NRHH President during the end of year banquet with the Officer Oath:
    1. “I, (state your name), pledge to uphold and honor all the principles, values, and beliefs, of the Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  I solemnly swear, as an executive officer, to serve the Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter to the best of my ability, to serve and protect all the guidelines and status of the constitution, NCARH, NACURH, NRHH, as well as, the well-being of the chapter.”

Section 3: Special Elections

If the executive board is not fully elected during Spring Elections, the preceding President shall appoint any vacant positions.

Section 4: Officer Impeachment

  1. If an officer is not performing their designated duties or they do not meet all requirements in the constitution they may be removed from office
  2. Any member of the Executive Board can be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of quorum on proof of an officer’s malfeasance or neglect of responsibilities
  3. The Executive Board member in question must be given time to defend themselves before a vote is taken

Section 5: Chain of Succession

  1. If the President or the President and any combination of officers are unable to chair a meeting this is chain of succession:
    1. President
    2. VP Administration
    3. VP Service
    4. VP Recognition
    5. VP OTMs
    6. VP Membership
    7. The Advisor 

Article XII: Advisor involvement

Section 1:Requirements

  1. The NRHH will be advised by the professional staff member appointed by Housing and Residence Life (HRL)
  2. Other full-time employees of the University may be appointed as the Chapter sees fit

Section 2: Responsibilities

  1. Meet with the Executive board, General Body, and Committees as necessary
  2. Act as the liaison between NRHH, RHA, and HRL
  3. Provide advisement concerning the future course of the organization as well as current issues or situations facing the chapter
  4. Assist in the training and development of officers as well as orientation of inducted members

Article XIII: Meetings

  1. General body meetings are held bi-weekly at 5 pm on Thursday evenings
    1. Members are allowed to miss 2 meetings per semester unexcused
  2. Executive board meetings are a consensus decision decided by the Executive board and are held on the opposing week of general body meetings

Article XIV: Finances

  1. The chapter is in good standing with NCARH/SAACURH/NACURH
  2. The chapter is affiliated with NCARH/SAACURH/ NACURH
  3. Funds will be provided by UNCG HRL yearly and budgeted out by the VP of Administration and the NRHH Advisor

Article XV: Amendments and Bylaws

Amendments must be discussed at the General Body Meeting with at least 60% of the general body being present. Amendments to this constitution may be adopted or amended by the membership body. Two-thirds of all active members must vote in approval for the amendments. An exception can be made if the Executive Council approves of amendments made outside of General Body voting.

  1. On-campus and Off-campus active members, including NRHH officers shall have the right to vote
  2. The President shall not have the right to vote in General Body meeting unless a tie must be broken but may vote

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

HAll Council

Each residence hall has its very own hall council. The hall council is the governing body of the residence hall and each resident has an opportunity to be apart of it. There is a position for every one, every major, every personality type, and every work load amount. The positions available are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Chair of Administration
  • Chair of Programming 
  • Chair of Marketing
  • Chair of Recognition and Service
  • Floor/Building Representatives

Hall councils engage in their residential communities by advocating for students, planning programs, participating in community service, and supporting various philanthropies. hall councils vary in size, but all have the same core values – to serve residents. Elections begin early in the Fall semester where candidates can campaign for their positions and then are elected by their peers. Those appointed to their hall council’s will be inducted during a formal ceremony and attend a training session in the week following elections. Each council typically meets weekly or biweekly to plan events, discuss general assembly topics, and voice their opinions. In addition to hall activities, each hall council also sends a representative to represent the hall as part of the RHA General Assembly. These representatives attend weekly meetings, which are open to ALL students and take place every Monday at 7pm in Shaw residence hall in the Tillman-Smart Room. To get involved in your community, contact your hall council’s chief executive officer using the information below. You can also see when and where your community meetings are; remember, RHA and hall council meetings are open to ALL residents!

How to Join

Hall Council representatives listen to the concerns of students living in the residence halls and work to improve the quality of life on campus. Their goal is to promote a sense of community pride in the residence hall and to plan activities designed to generate involvement. Hall Council is the first group on campus to allow freshmen to hold executive positions. They are the voice of the students they represent. Find out how to join at interest meetings held in your residence hall.

Election Information

Look for posters in your residence hall for election party times and locations!

All questions can be directed to [email protected].

Executive Board

RHA has a board of Executive Members those positions for the 2024-2025 academic year include:

  • President
  • Vice President of Administration & Finance
  • Vice President of Programming & Collaboration
  • Vice President of Marketing & Public Relations
  • Vice President of Community Outreach & Advocacy
  • National Communications Coordinator in-training (NCC-IT)


  • This is a paid position ($150.00 a month for 10 months, $1,500 in total), which will include a signed employment agreement.
  • You are required to live on-campus for the 2024-2025 academic year while serving in our position.
  • You must maintain full time status as a student at UNCG.
  • You must currently have and maintain cumulative over GPA of at least 2.5 or have one at the end of the semester following the election cycle.
  • You must be in good conduct standing with UNCG.
  • You are expected to be present for all General Assembly Meetings in 2024-2025 that will take place every Monday at 7pm.
  • You are expected to be present for all weekly executive board meetings, events, and training.
  • You are expected to hold 2 office hours each week during the 24-25 academic year.
  • You are expected to meet at least bi-weekly with the RHA Advisor(s).
  • Hall Council experience is strongly preferred, but not required.
  • You cannot serve as a Resident Advisor (RA) while serving on the RHA Executive Board.


The Residence Hall Association (RHA) was founded in 1984 to unify the various residential communities across campus. It has since grown into the second largest student organization on campus and maintains a strong, positive relationship with the Office of Housing & Residence Life (HRL).

RHA strives to make our students on-campus experience the best it possible can be by:

  • Hosting residence hall and campus-wide programs
  • Conducting philanthropic initiatives
  • Advocating for residents
  • Representing on campus committees
  • Participating in state, regional, and national student leadership conferences

All students living in university-managed residence halls and apartments are members of RHA by virtue of their residency status. At present, approximately 4,800 students are members of RHA, with as many as 150 involved in direct leadership positions.

More about our Advocacy and Philanthropy Efforts

One of the primary roles of RHA is to serve as an advocate for students living on campus. Advocacy takes many forms, forms, including assessment of resident needs and interests, personal meetings with university staff members, and promotion of resident interests on various university committees and boards.


  • Direct connection with the Office of Housing & Residence Life (HRL) administration.
  • Deep understanding of HRL policy.
  • Electoral mandate from on-campus residents.
  • Proximity to constituents (i.e., the residents).


  • Figure out what residents need, not just what they want.
  • Make sure residents know what RHA does and how to utilize RHA’s services to their optimal benefit.
  • Seek out opportunities to meet with administrators and other student leaders.


Have an idea for something you’d like to see on campus or a policy you’d like to see changed? Contact us with your ideas!


Primary Advisor:
Destinee Daugherty, Coordinator for Residence Life

Personal Pronouns: She, her, hers
Email: [email protected]

The Residence Hall Association is more than just a campus student group. It is part a national association founded in 1954 that has since grown into the largest student organization in the world. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro proudly affiliates with the following groups:

National Association of College and University Residence Halls

The National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) is the largest student-run organization in the world. It brings together over 400 schools from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and Qatar. NACURH promotes living on campus as an integral part of the college experience, and strives to provide resources to help member schools create the ultimate residence hall environment and experience. An annual conference is held each summer at one of the member universities, where more than 2,000 students gather to network and learn how to improve their organization. In addition, national awards are given in various categories such as School of the Year,President of the Year, Program of the Year, and many others. RHA seeks enthusiastic residents each Spring to serve as delegates of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls

The South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (SAACURH) is one of eight regional affiliates that comprise NACURH. Similar to the national organization, SAACURH attempts to improve communities within college residence halls by providing network opportunities through conferences and other resources designed to help schools improve their residence hall organizations. A regional conference is held every fall with over 700 delegates from schools in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. In addition the National Communications Coordinators (NCCs) from each school meet in March for a business conference called RBC, where they discuss legislation and distribute awards for the School of the Year, Student of the Year, and many others. RHA seeks enthusiastic residents each Fall to serve as delegates of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

North Carolina Association of Residence Halls

The North Carolina Association of Residence Halls (NCARH) is the state affiliation college and university residence halls. Like its regional and national counterparts, NCARH provides resources and networking opportunities to member’s schools to facilitate the continued improvement of campus residence hall associations. An annual conference is held each year in February, with over 150 students from across North Carolina gathering to learn new methods for growing their organizations.

Who Attends Conferences?

  • Anyone who lives on campus! We look for a diverse group of people to be a part of our delegation for each conference. This includes but is not limited to: RHA Executive Officers, General Assembly members, Hall Council members, RAs, NRHH members, and most importantly, underclassmen who are interested in getting more involved with RHA! An application for each conference is put out at least one month in advance to allow for ample delegation planning.
  • Delegates’ duties for conferences include: Attending all delegate meetings; preparing programs to be presented to other schools; creating a banner and display; assisting with fundraisers that go toward the conference; creating a roll call video; and keeping a positive attitude!
  • All delegates will be responsible for presenting a program at the conference, either individually or with partners. A program is a presentation about a topic that will give other delegates from other universities knowledge about how to better serve their residents. Programs can be about becoming a better leader, how to deal with cultural diversity, how to create a successful fundraising event, etc. They can be as original, creative, and fun as you want them to be. The main idea is to explain something that the other delegates can take back to their schools and use to better the lives of their residents
  • Most importantly, we want delegates to HAVE FUN!
  • Questions? Contact the RHA National Communications Coordinator at [email protected]

Attend RHA Programs

RHA hosts signature programs and initiatives each school year, some include: HRL Carnival, Swag Cab.

Attend General Body Meetings

General Assembly meetings are open to ALL residential students. Each hall council has a representative(s) and they may vote on the legislation at the meeting. Halls who do not attend will not receive voting rights for the legislation at that meeting. Meetings are every Monday at 7:00pm in Shaw Residence Hall in the Tillman-Smart Room, located in the Historic Quad.

Meetings are Mondays at 7:00pm in Tillman Smart located in Shaw Hall. The links will be sent out weekly!

Lexington and McCormick Staff 2023

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Contact Us

Housing and Residence Life
Ragsdale/Mendenhall Residence Hall
201 Gray Drive, Greensboro, NC 27412
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
VOICE: 336.334.5636
FAX: 336.334.5680
EMAIL: [email protected]

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