Find Roommates and Friends
We have a great way for UNCG students to meet others who might like to share a room. The UNCG HRL Roommate Finder in Canvas can help!
(Please Note: UNC system policy only allows for students to be placed in a room, suite, or apartment of the same gender marker identified in their university record.)
How to Join the Roommate Finder
Set up Your Account
If you already have an iSpartan Email account, skip this step, If not, follow the instructions to activate your iSpartan Account.
Access the Roommate Finder
The Roommate Finder is hosted in Canvas. You will need to use your iSpartan credentials to access the Canvas Roommate Finder.
Step 1: Self-Enroll into the Course
The Roommate Finder is set up sort of like a UNCG course in Canvas, so before you can use it you must SELF-ENROLL. To do so, click the link below and click “Enroll in Course.” This is in no way an actual UNCG course.
Step 2: Visit the Roommate Finder
Once you have enrolled, you can then access the 2024-25 HRL Roommate Finder “course,” and bookmark it for future use. Please do not share any personal contact or address information in public discussions with the group. You can click on the “People” tab to find iSpartan email addresses for all members of your discussion. Just add to the login ID if you are interested in speaking to someone privately.
Note: You will not be able to add any potential roommates in your housing application until all parties have a FULLY complete housing application.
Some Important Notes
The purpose of this group is to provide UNCG students with a private forum where students can share and connect with other students who will be attending UNCG. This group provides a place for positive interaction for students to meet new people and possibly find a roommate for campus housing.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the HRL Roommate Finder are those of the discussion members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG) or the Office of Housing and Residence Life (HRL). UNCG and HRL have not approved, endorsed, embraced, or authorized any replies in these discussions.
More Information
Contact Us
Housing and Residence Life
Ragsdale/Mendenhall Residence Hall
201 Gray Drive, Greensboro, NC 27412
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
VOICE: 336.334.5636
FAX: 336.334.5680
EMAIL: [email protected]